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Seth Worx
Whatever the task, whatever the discipline, whatever you are trying to achieve, your beliefs will always be central to the results you experience, it is therefore essential to examine them. But in order to release your full creative power you need to do much more than just examine your beliefs; you need to understand the true nature of reality, which is stranger than you can imagine. Seth Worx are a group of writers who provide deep insights into the true nature of reality that are both practical and beneficial to a wide audience.
You can contact us at: enquiries@sethworx.com
LINKS The ‘physical’ world that we have taken for granted to be solid and separate from us can be shown to be a trick of the senses, which in themselves are aspects of consciousness. The apparent ‘materiality’ of the world is no more and no less ‘real’ than a dream-image. The failure of modern medicine is a consequence of its practices being based more on blind faith and dogma than on true scientific investigation. The revelations in our book will undoubtedly change your views about 'illness' and 'health' forever and make abundantly clear why germs don't make you ill and drugs can't cure you. Science and spirit are not separate disciplines; understanding the true nature of reality reveals where science meets spirit. Sethbooks.com is a project of Robert and Laurel Butts. It promotes the sales of Robert Butts artwork in the form of posters and cards, as well as the Seth books. You can also take part in their messageboard via a link from this site. The SethCenter website is a must for the keen Seth material collector, providing the opportunity to get hold of the Early Sessions, audio recordings and more. It is the only place that some of the products are available from. Along with Seth Network International and Brass Ring Bookstore, it is an important Seth related website. A complete and varied website looking at all areas of conscious creation. - Based on the universal principle, of course: You create your own reality. INTERNATIONAL SETH MATERIAL MEETUPS This is a very useful site where you can search for local Seth groups wherever you live in the world. If you can't find a local group, they will help you organise your own group in your area. Providing readers of the Seth Material (as channelled by Jane Roberts) an easy way to locate information about, and related to the Seth material, concepts, etc. This site also serves as a Hub for the Seth WebRing. The Seth material has played a big part in our lives so you'll see it interwoven within all the other sections of the site. However, this section will be for material that ties in closely with the Seth material and philosophy. "You choose this place and time for your own reasons and your own challenges... and so this planet is not peopled with strangers, but those who are already psychically united, who then come to this planet in your time. Your world is far more extensive than you realize, and your concepts have limited your experience. So, here, we knock the old concepts down. You knock them down as you encounter your own living psyche." Welcome to our new Seth page. We are pleased to see some of the Seth works coming back into print. Below is a list of the books based on the Seth material channelled by Jane Roberts. We hope you find it handy. We hope to soon add more information to this page. Until then.....
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